Releasing the spirit from the body (Updated)

 A short video showing a scientific experiment to release a spirit from the body.
(Edit: I must say this is a very strange video. No one seems to know from whence it comes.)


(Update:  I wasn’t aware but the video seems to have been deleted? 
Thanks to Artistwannabe, I was able to obtain the video again! 😆) 


Has nobody watched it yet? Come on, be brave! It's not nearly as bad as Grotesque or Obscure. haha
Unknown said…
Oh lawdy. I didn't think that it was a dead body when it first started! Gave me chills in the end :P
Tia said…
Wow, that video was soooo creepy! :O At first i thought it would be something curse-ridden, but after meticulously checking for any "curse" labels and such, i was persuaded of the contrary :P This was really riveting and eerie, especially in the end. I don't know of the nature of this video, what origins it has, if it is part of a movie or anything else, thus i would really like it if you would give us any background details, Saya chan!
By the way, i really like how you have incorporated a different page for the gorey videos under the label "Cocytus", color me impressed! :D I didn't know you had such knowledge of the ancient greek Underworld :P
Andrew said…
Thank you for this blog! It's great! I found it today and I've been reading all of the older posts. I dug up this account just so I could follow you.

As for the video, it's horrifying because there's virtually no dialogue. I find things that force the viewer to decide what's going on scarier than any written horror movie. Thank you again!
Unknown said…
Hey all, is this really scary? I want to watch it but am worried.
nunu said…
Oh wow. I just finished watching the video. I did not realized at first that it was a dead body on the table.

I thought at first that if this was a real video, then the exercise was really cruel to the deceased. Then the narrator mentioned the purpose of the exercise, and it reminded me that I should not judge other cultures on (especially) things that I do not understand.

But as an observer, I found the whole thing was really, really creepy. And the others in the room. Were they in the room the whole time? They weren't even wearing face-mask. Can you imagine the smell? :× hoo-boy
Mokom said…
00:12-Hey is that a sleeping woman? I wonder what comes next?

00:35-Heh what's with all the make up? Right? Right?!

00:55-I don't think she's sleeping anymore...
Smile said…
Uuuh so that girl was deceased, and being filmed until her body is rotting? What I don't understand is...Is that means that her soul didn't leave her body immediately when she was d**d?
And the picture in the end is creepy for sure, I hope I will forget this by tomorrow haha
Nice video Saya san!
Anonymous said…
The girl at the beginning looked like she was just sleeping. The video gives me chills ;-;.
how could those people even enter that room. ;-;

on a side note :- It looks like a reality version of the music video for Hageshisa to kono mune no..... by DIR EN GREY
- said…
That's really grotesque and creepy...
(no pun or play on words intended)
Unknown said…
Normally i don't get easily scared ! but this time saya u got me 0.0 !! nice blog btw :D
CRRobbins said…
Very interesting, for a spirit released from a bloated corpse she looks like someone emerginging from water taking a breath of air
Petzie said…
Omg omg omg that face!!! Huweeee i feel.bad for the corpse! Believed ahe cant have a good rest!! Huweeee i am so scared right nowwwww
Unknown said…
god, tonite is totally awful...
I watch this one after watch grotesque trailer...
this is rough...
Rey Flowers said…
What movie is this from? At the very start you can see that the video is from the "Special Features" of a DVD with an English Language menu. I'd be very interested in finding out what the movie is.
Anonymous said…
Now that is so darn freaky O.O
Anonymous said…
When i first sawed this, i was like wtfrenchtoast???!! How do they do it?
Unknown said…
You know i found your blog just today. oh wait, yesterday, like 5 hours ago. And before that 5 hours i can just say: there is no such thing as a ghost. Now i'm not sure. Very good video. Nice blog. Thank you
Releju said…
Here in 2019 from sir spooks 😂😂😂
Unknown said…
Now that was disgusting and very weird
Unknown said…
Wowwie...interesting & creepy!!!!
MyKoL LoKyM said…
Lol...maybe if it was a sped up time lapse...but to many cut scenes. Was a good watch...but not at all creepy. However, i did enjoy it.
Unknown said… ewery pitcure except the first one theres spirit coming out of the body..cant belive ppl dodnt notice that..pause on ewery pic and watch the white face...awsome video
Unknown said…
Extremely good art piece however that's all. Might have been a short film for a job or a student's piece for school. The evidence is in the body the blade itself after death and rigor mortis sets in the blood would not be drippy off the body and all drippy like that off the table. Plus those are some very old machines that you were using, a drill a Bic red pencil and then a Polaroid camera with an old electric shock machine in the background (I guess) if they're taking the pictures and showing the camera right away that would be a little creepier but taking the pictures taking your time to walk through the room to the other side and then placing them down one by one on a table unfortunately the development of the pictures taken that you were able to see developed as he was walking over to the table. The pictures that you seen developing before your eyes was chemically altered to appear when do you need it to.
Unknown said…
i watched the video and it didn't really bother me. i'm used to seeing this stuff in horror movies
Unknown said…
Im here because of Sir spooks.
Unknown said…
If this is what it takes to free a spirit I'm getting cremated. Nice work though. The Japanese really are masters of the horror flick. Thanks for this, and thanks sir spooks for leading me here
Unknown said…
Damn same here
Unknown said…
Same :D Sir Spooks
MartoTheGreat said…
Nothing bad here shows the decomposition of a human body got anything like this really enjoyed it!! :) :)
Rey said…
I'm also here because of Sir spooks.
CrystalRose said…
Unfortunately I don't believe this to be accurate...I don't believe the "white face" .. spirits are pure energy, and I doubt so defined, certainly not so "typical Japanese movie ghost" 🤨
Unknown said…
Me too i saw,a mention and link to this video on a sir spooks video thats why i watched it
Unknown said…
Same over here
Unknown said…
why is the video private? anyone else having this issue?
Unknown said…
Yes! It won't play for me. ☹️
Unknown said…
Cant watch the video.. want to but it says it's set to private.
Unknown said…
Man i tried to watch that shit an it told me its a privet video..lame
NatureImposter said…
Yeah wth! I wanted to see it too! I'm just a normal curious human being that's what brought us here is our curiosity. It's not cool that we can't see it now. If I find it somewhere I'll get back to you commenters :)
Unknown said…
Have seen it few years ago is from a horror movie but can't find wich one so I decide to recreate it with two othere friends we just looking for a girl to volunteer
Unknown said…
Found out about this video from Sir Spooks!
Unknown said…
I really would like to see this video if that would be ok. I discovered this from Sir Spooks!
Unknown said…
Yes, very disappointed!
jen Y said…
The clip is in the special features menu of the movie Shutter
Artistwannabe said…
I have been obsessed with this video for 8 years already. I was really upset when I saw this was private unfortunately.

However, after some long digging and digging into google and whatever other archive site I could find, I managed to find the video uploaded on Facebook.

If you guys want to watch it again it's here: