Blue Rio’s Experience

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I can see IT!!!

(Translated and Arranged by Saya)

My blog reader Blue Rio shared his scary experience in his comment on this post two weeks ago! 
It’s so interesting that I decided to make a post out of it! 

I have also added a video at the end which Blue Rio kindly sent it to me. It’s CREEPY and you must watch it!😱

Thank you so much, Blue Rio, for sharing your story and giving me permission to republish it! 😊🙏🏻

(Don’t forget to also read another new post I published today: Tunnel )

Blue Rio’s Story:

Hi Saya-San it's me Blue Rio idk if you remembered me. 
I was actively reading your blog up until 2013 or 2014 maybe? Been reading your blog since 2011!

Something happened to me last week which leads me here. I'll put it in a chronological order for you to understand. 
Sorry if what I about to write is too religious and too long (have to write in few parts) for you and the readers here;

Additional notes; I live alone and I always invite my friends over namely A,B,C.

⭐️5th of December 2023; 2000hrs:

I lived in an apartment in Malaysia (you may look for Ghost Town in Malaysia/failed mega project in Malaysia to get an idea where I live). 

I invited my friends over to my apartment to have drinks and dinner together and blast out music quite loud. 

After a while, we all heard a loud knock/bang on the door. We thought that it's maybe the security guards/neighbor who got angry over how loud we were. 

I rush over to the front door and about to apologize for the loud noise that we make only to find that there are no one at my front door. I try to brush it off and convinced my friends maybe it's just upstairs neighbor's footstep and stuff.

I continue to wash the dish, my friend A continue to cook and B & C is at the living room watching televisions. 

In front of the sink where I was washing my dishes, there's a window and I can see my own reflection and what's behind me. 
Then, on the reflection I saw someone (a silhouette) was running from living room to the toilet as if he is really urgent to do some "business". 

I thought it was B and didn't think much but something doesn't feel right that time. 
If he was running, how did I never heard his footsteps? 
I look back and B & C was still watching television at the living room.

⭐️6th of December 2023; 0400hrs:

B was about to leave my house to fetch his wife. 
As he was about to step out of the door, he heard my voice saying "oh, are you leaving now?"
He look behind him, only to find out that my bedroom door is opened and I was sleeping soundly and B & C were sleeping in the leaving room.

Since then I always heard a lot of noises in my apartment at night. 
The sounds of people shifting their furniture, knocking and whistle but thanks god I am a deep sleeper so nothing can stop me to have my good sleep time.

⭐️23rd of February 2024:

I told my mom who came to visit me to bring over few crucifix for me to put on every door of my apartment and since then all the noises are gone.

⭐️20th April; 2030hrs:

All of my neighbors moved out. 
I live in the 31st level (there are 34 levels overall) and my next neighbor is on the 24th level. 
I recorded a video to send to my family and when I replayed it, I heard a ghostly whisper in the video saying "help me". (I still have the video if you want it Saya-san)

⭐️1st of May 2024:

I was so tired and I took a nap in my apartment after a long drive for a whole day. I had a scary and vivid dream.
(I have a question for you Saya-san at the end of my comment)

It goes like this;

In my dream, I was at a bus stop and met a boy asking for help to get something in his house but he warned me that if I saw his Sister and Grandmother in his house, I should ignore them at all cost because they are already DEAD. 

I agreed to help him then I saw my dad walking headed towards me, he told me he will help me to go to that boy's house. 

Then as I was about to tell the boy that my dad will help him too, that boy is no longer there.

Notes (this is important):
While me and my dad are heading to that boy's house, my dad told me "if there are anything that happened while we are on our way there, please ignore it. If it is raining none of it is real, do not open your umbrella. If someone stopped you and try to engage you in a conversation, ignore them because they are not human. No matter what, do not let anything stop you. Just continue walking until you reach his house." 
He then disappeared into thin air.

I continue walking as if I know where is the boy's house location, after quite a distance of walking it started to rain heavily and as I was about to open my umbrella, I realized that despite of the heavy rain, I am not wet at all! 

Then I remember what my dad had warned me before. I was speechless and standing still until someone tap my shoulder and ask me something. 
I know that none of this are real and sprinted as fast as I can to where my instincts bring me.

Then I reached a Japanese designed home, looks decent but have a gloomy environment and aura. 

My guts told me that this is the boy's house. I knock on the door and stepped inside, even though it was just a dream but I can feel that my heart pounded so hard that it feels like it is about to fall off. 

From the main entrance door, I see a girl with a flowery white dress running towards the stair and going upstairs. 
I tiptoed inside the house and then a granny walks from the right side asking me "who are you looking for?" in a friendly and warm voice. 

But I remember what the boy have told me that his sister and grandmother have died and I sprinted toward the main door. 
I opened the door and found the boy was standing there asking me "what happened?", I look back inside the house and see that his sister and granny are running towards me with their hands stretched outward about to choke me. 

I screamed on top of my lung praying "Our Father" and finally woke up.

😱Here’s the Video BlueRio sent me: 

A voice says “help me” at the beginning, and some more words at the end which are not clear. 

⭐️Blue Rio’s Question 
Here's question for you, Saya-san;
1. A part of my dream feels quite similar to what you have wrote before especially where my dad told me "if it is raining none of it are real, if someone tried to talk to me, they are not real." I wonder if it is one of the story that you have wrote (which leads me back to your blog and was surprised to see that there are a lot of updates from you since I left :')) but seems like I couldn't find one.

2. Do you think that the boy in my dream is the same voice entity that I accidentally recorded?

That's all! I am glad you are back Saya-san! I was 14 years old when I started reading your Blog and now I am 27 already started working and live on my own. Sure time flies so fast!

⭐️My Reply: 
Oh! Hello! I do remember you!
Long time no see! How you have grown! 😆

Wow! Those are bizarre experiences and your dream is quite scary!
As for your Question 1, the only story that rings a bell is this story:
But not sure if this is what you are looking for.

For Question 2:
Gosh, I hope they are not the same entities 😆
I remember once when I was living alone and my mother came to visit me, she encountered a ghost who was seeking help.
My mother, being a Buddhist, read a sutra for him, and apparently he was satisfied and disappeared.
The ghost appeared to have mistaken my mother for his lover!

You could try the same approach, but I wouldn’t recommend it!
If possible move out of the house ~ ! You don’t need this kind of stress!

I hope you are alright!

Thank you for coming back and leaving comments 😊🙏🏻
It’s always great to see old faces!

⭐️” Inside Malaysia's Failed $100 Billion GHOST CITY (shocking)”


Oh wait! Blue Rio might have been thinking of this post I made before
His dream reminds me a bit of this!

I hope you all enjoyed Blue Rio’s story as much as I did!
Feel free to share your theories and opinions in the comments! 😆

Much love!💖

Anonymous said…
A Malaysian scary experience story! A very pleasant surprise, I feel like we have a lot of them here for some reason lol. A favorite of mine is the one where someone called into a live radio show and told a story about crashing their car, except the way they told it it was like it just happened and not a past experience. When the caller started sobbing intelligibly and the radio host asked where they were now, they just laughed creepily and cut off the call 😱
@Anonymous (18 May 2024 at 20:30)
Wow😱 that’s a chilling story!!
Idk but here in Japan, it’s the custom to tell ghost stories to one another during summer, because it allows us to feel cooler🤣
So the reason why you have so many ghost stories over there is because of your warm weather? 🤣 perhaps!

I’m gonna remember your story when it gets hotter here ~ 😆

Thank you so much for sharing your story!!
BlueRio said…
Thank you for publishing this story Saya-san💖
I’ll be moving out from this unit next month, i’m so sad despite of the scary experiences but life must goes on right☹️
@Blue Rio
The pleasure is mine! 😆🙏🏻
I know the ghost will miss you too! 😭lol

Looks like the town has become a real ghost town though!
They say empty houses attract bad spirits🧐

I hope you will sleep soundly until the time you move out!

Thank you so much again for your contribution to my blog😊✨
George V said…
Thank BlueRio for sharing, theses experiences. Very scary.
Anonymous said…
Thank you BlueRio and Saya for the story.
I don't know if I'd ever be brave to stay in such a quiet area.
I watched the video and it's scary.
Even if there's nothing wrong at all, my active mind would start recalling all the horror stories that I've read and watched and ended up I'll just scare myself silly 😅
I don't think it's right to say I love this story? 😅
But thanks again to BlueRio for sharing and to Saya too. :)

I had to open the image on pc to see what's up and I saw it too! Haha.
~ nunu ~
allucinator said…
I would like to live in that Japanese-design house.
@George V
I’m glad you enjoyed it!
Well done for spotting it in the picture 🤣 no one else has said anything! LOL

I also think Blue Rio is extremely brave for staying in his apartment 🤣

Thank you so much for your comment!
Blue Rio said there was a girl in the house, but he never said she was pretty.
Just wanted to make sure there’s no misunderstanding 🤣
allucinator said…
@Saya_In_Underworld doesn't matter. I just want the magic tricks of the house and its vicinity. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA