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(Translated and arranged by Saya)

I got kidnapped once.

It happened nearly ten years ago.
The person who kidnapped me was a woman who lived in the same apartment building as I did.

She locked me up inside a bathroom.

While she didn't tie me up, she threatened to kill me if I tried to escape, and also she piled some stuff up outside the door. I couldn't escape even if I wanted to.  

The woman didn't try to hurt me and she only kept me in there; and I was still in the same apartment building, so I had much hope that I would be found soon. 

Despite all that, it was impossible for me to fall asleep.
Before long I lost track of time and fell into a delirious state.
My mind kept going back and forth between the reality and dream.
I felt numb and just sat still in the bathtub. 

It was then that my boyfriend suddenly appeared in the bathroom.
"Are you alright?" He asked me.

I didn't understand what was happening, and I asked him in return:
"What are you doing here?"
I thought I was losing my mind.

"This is probably a dream. I must be dreaming right now," he said. "This is your bathroom."
I told him, "A crazy woman locked me up in a bathroom in another room in the same apartment building. "

He asked me the room number, but I could only guess which floor I was on. 

He then told me that I had been missing for two days, and added:
"Hang in there, because we will come rescue you."
As soon as he said that, he opened the door and walked out of the bathroom, so I concluded that I had been hallucinating after all.

But not long after that, I was rescued from the place. It was three days after I had gone missing.

The police came to the hospital and questioned me. After they finished asking me some general questions, they suddenly started talking about my boyfriend.

My boyfriend apparently went to the police saying he had a dream about me getting locked up in a room by another resident of the same apartment building.

Needless to say, under normal circumstances, the police would not have taken such a claim seriously; but when my boyfriend gave them the number of the room in which I was supposed to be confined, they took a note of it just in case. And while making an inquiry, they found something suspicious about the said room; which led them to search inside and then eventually discover me.

When they told me that, I remembered the hallucination I saw in the bathroom, but wondered how he found out the room number.
So I asked him about that when he came to visit me in the hospital.

He told me that while he was on the university campus, he lost consciousness ( he fell from some stairs. He had been having sleepless nights because of me, and he wasn't paying attention) and then he had a dream.

He recounted the exact same conversation I remembered having with him in my hallucination. After he came out of the bathroom, he walked out the front door and checked the room number; it was just then that he woke up.

"Maybe I had an out-of-body experience when I fell," he smiled.
I think it was thanks to this strange experience I had with him that I was never traumatized by the incident.

I am much more upset by the fact that my boyfriend passed away before we could get married.

Please excuse me for this long story.
Since we are commemorating his third death anniversary soon, I remembered this incident and thought I would write it down here.


Saya_In_Underworld said…
This is appropriate for the season because it's nearly Valentine's Day although it's a bit sad at the end😆💖✨

I hope you all find the love of your life !💘💘💘✨✨✨⭐
Anonymous said…
Rest in piece, boyfriend :(
Saya_In_Underworld said…
That's kind of you 😆💕✨
allucinator said…
This poses more questions rather than answers.

Where did the crazy woman go?
Was she caught?
What does she look like?
What kind of power does the boyfriend have?
The boyfried died seven years after the kidnapping; is his dream related to his death? How did he die?
Was he supposed to die by the time he fell on the stairs?
Saya_In_Underworld said…
I am sure she was caught 😆✨

He had a great power just like you! LOL, ⭐🌈
allucinator said…

The boyfriend might have done an "astral projection" accidentally.
Saya_In_Underworld said…
Yes,and I have a feeling that you do that often too 😆🎵✨
George V said…
So sad that the boyfriend died, he was a true companion. They had such a strong bond to allow them to connect in such a dire circumstance.
Saya_In_Underworld said…
I know 😱✨ It's sad and cute at the same time! They must have been Twin Flames LOL ✨💖
Amuletyu said…
Aww, rest in peace to the boyfriend. That's a really interesting experience! I wonder what it was that the police found "suspicious" that prompted them to search in the room. :)
Saya_In_Underworld said…
It's interesting how different people notice different details of the same story 😆✨

Thank you for commenting!💞✨

Saya_In_Underworld said…
Don't be so modest 🤣✨
Unknown said…
I have so many questions, but the biggest one is why didn't they get married sooner. He's such a keeper.
Saya_In_Underworld said…
My sentiments exactly 😆👑⭐✨
Unknown said…
Maybe the boyfriend died because whatever happened when they met in the bathroom somehow took from his lifeforce or something? If so, we can say he literally died to save his beloved.

That is a wonderful story, thank you so much for translating it!
Saya_In_Underworld said…
Exactly 😆💖💖💖✨
Saya_In_Underworld said…
Perhaps 😆⭐✨ Thank you for commenting and sharing an interesting theory!👍💎✨
Pixie said…
Hello, Saya! Longtime reader here. I haven't been here in a while, but I was feeling nostalgic. I'm so glad to see that you're still active. Thank you for bringing us such interesting stories.
Saya_In_Underworld said…
Hello! I am so glad you still remember my blog⭐Thank you for dropping by to leave a comment! 😊💓✨
Anonymous said…
Hi saya, you ok? Hear there's a big earthquake over there. I really hope you and everyone is safe.
Saya_In_Underworld said…
Hi, everything is fine in my area! It lasted for a long time so I was afraid at the time but nothing bad happened 😆✨Thank you for your kind words 💘✨
Anonymous said…
I'm really glad you're okay :D please always stay safe :D
Bobette said…
Hello Saya! I only just discovered your blog today but I really love it :D i've been searching for a site like this for a long time
It's really interesting, thank you so much for your translations!!
Saya_In_Underworld said…
Thank you so much too! I am sorry for the late reply! 😊🙏💗
Anonymous said…
Hey Saya, my friend and I have been reading your blog since 2015. We’ve recently remembered you and were so glad to see that you’re still active. Thank you for providing us translations from 5chan, please take care of yourself xo
Saya_In_Underworld said…
Wow thank you so much!🥰✨I will be updating another story soon. Possibly this week ⭐👍💞
Unknown said…
Saya, I hope you can post more soon. I love binging your blog on rainy nights alone in the house and have been a follower since your first year posting. I hope all is well with you and you know how much your followers love and appreciate your work! 💝
Saya_In_Underworld said…
Seriously?😆✨ That's nothing short of amazing# Thank you so much for following my blog for so long! I hope you are well and staying safe in your country too! Take care and thank you again for your heartwarming message 🌸✨💛✨💛✨🌸
Anonymous said…
what happen to the kidnapper?
Anonymous said…
This story feels like there's a cryptic vibe to it.

I am actually very suspicious of the boyfriend.
I feel like maybe the boyfriend was in cahoot with the kidnapper.
He may or may not actually plan to kidnap her. But then he found out that the narrator was kidnapped by the woman. And to distance himself from the crime he made up the out-of-body experience story to save himself.
And he died later due to revenge by the kidnapper or the kidnapper's family.

Or maybe he had nothing to do with the kidnapper and really did had that dream and saved the narrator. And when he fell down the stairs, instead of dying, his soul went to the narrator and saved her.
And he died soon later to pay his debt to the soul collector.
Or maybe he died just because it was already his time.

Cool story, Saya-san. Thank you :)

- nunu -
Wow such interesting theories! Thank you 😆💞✨

I personally like the second theory better as it is romantic 😁💖✨