Three Bizarre Flashes (updated)

I've uploaded the files for these flashes on my own site but I forgot to change the site's setting to go public. It was set to private viewing only before that's why the links didn't work. Now FINALLY  you should be able to watch them without problems (2012).

Click on each title to jump to the flash!


(All flashes are from: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)  <---the link is now dead


Anonymous said…


Anonymous said…
very interesting. what do these flashes mean?
Nick - they don't mean anything, really. Just something to creep you out1
ComatoseDreamer said…
First one didn't work for me. Third one had me building up quite a nerve with the suspense of me thinking it might've been a screamer D:
kitty said…
the last one creeps me out!
Anonymous said…
That second one freaked me out right away
That doll thing just came out of nowhere and I clicked the 'back' button right away
Yoku said…
If you click theese while listenning to Kagome Kagome (A volcaloid song) then expecailly the curse one, seems creepier.
Leviathan said…
I keep getting a 403 page and a "You don't have permission to access this page."

Its disappointing as I love these creepy/weird stuff post
@Leviathan: You can try it again! Sorry about before.
Unknown said…
I saw this post back then...but I Never dared to view it.

And now, you posted it again, I still don't wanna try to view it.

Just by looking at the pictures gives me goosebumps. :|

Maybe I'll view it...When I'm ready to view it. XD
@Kurisu: They are not as bad as they look! Nothing shocking! :)
ryuu said…
hmm.. i think its not working i clicked the image but its not moving
@ryuu: you've got to click on the words not the pictures, dear. I know it's a bit difficult to see them. I'll make it easier to understand!
ryuu said…
oh i see but it takes me to a page where it says "insufficient privileges" there is a choice to send a request and i sent one in each picture i may have sent two in one picture.
@ryuu: I'm so sorry! I now know what is wrong. You should be able to gain access to it now. Try again and see if you can do it! Let me know if there are further problems!
ryuu said…
it works! i agree with ComatoseDreamer ^^
Yura said…
The last one is so strange. I watched it for nearly a minute and then I exited out of it. Now I feel really dizzy :/
@Yura: You poor thing. Take care. I hope you are OK.
♡Princess♡ said…
Aww aww they kept dissapearing! hey come back~ (>3<)
It's strange the link is dead now, it makes it creepier hmm?
I liked the last one with the boy and the bike. I also saw a three horned demon slipped into there! Nice!
I hope that person was alright with their picture being in the flash... or was it to curse them?

blackrealm said…
@yura the same happened to me, i was watching it at school with a friend and after a minute or two of watching it and close it, iwas kinda dizzy and desoriented
Unknown said…
i started crying for some unknown reason while watching the third one. i'm so confused as to why that would happen ?