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Close your eyes.
Imagine the staircase in your house; walk up and down those stairs ten times, slowly.
At your tenth time*1, turn around to look behind you. There you will see your guardian spirit.*2
If your psychic power is too weak you probably won't be able to see it.
But if your guardian spirit has strong power you might still be able to see it even if your own power is weak.
If your guardian spirit's power is too strong, however, all you might see is just darkness.
*1 I think it means when you've finished climbing the stairs for the tenth time and you are at the top of the stairs. It's not very clear even in the original text. (Edit: someone reported to me that she saw it after she climbed down the stairs for the tenth time and was at the bottom of the stairs.)
*2 The Guardian Spirit - Shugo-rei (守護霊) in Japanese; sort of an eastern counterpart of the Guardian Angel.
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Imagine the staircase in your house; walk up and down those stairs ten times, slowly.
At your tenth time*1, turn around to look behind you. There you will see your guardian spirit.*2
If your psychic power is too weak you probably won't be able to see it.
But if your guardian spirit has strong power you might still be able to see it even if your own power is weak.
If your guardian spirit's power is too strong, however, all you might see is just darkness.
*1 I think it means when you've finished climbing the stairs for the tenth time and you are at the top of the stairs. It's not very clear even in the original text. (Edit: someone reported to me that she saw it after she climbed down the stairs for the tenth time and was at the bottom of the stairs.)
*2 The Guardian Spirit - Shugo-rei (守護霊) in Japanese; sort of an eastern counterpart of the Guardian Angel.
Hi Saya, how are you? Still in Taiwan? Finally catching up with the stories on your blog again ^^
But when my eyes is open like this I can imagine the stair on my old house perfectly.
My current house didn't have stair though. Can I use other stair then? Because my old house have been remodeling by whoever live there I'm sure. It's almost 8 years since we sold it...
This is my first time commenting. I'm sorry for my poor grammar m(_ _)m
I tried after reading this post, but found that imagining doing stuff is not as easy as I thought. I imagined the staircase at my childhood home. I kept getting distracted by other items/rooms near the staircase, and my speed of going up and down was not consistent.
Predictably, I failed. But maybe I will try again later tonight when I'm more relaxed.
Wonder if anybody got positive result from this ritual.
one look like an old man
the other look like tiger but it's more like barong (kind of balinese tiger mask)
btw my mom tell me that our grand grand grand graaaaaaand papa have some contract with spirits to guard our family for a few generation.
could it be that one of them is a spirit who made contract with my ancestor (too lazy to write it again)? or just happen to pass by?
Also you imagine yourself walking up and down the stairs, not physically going up and down, correct Saya-San?
-Destinneena/ Shari
But I really like the idea of a Guardian Spirit. It's a good feeling to know that we are being watched over and protected.
I find that I'm terrible at imagining stuff. I've tried doing something like the "can you see ghosts" ritual (yeah, the fake and potentially dangerous thing), but the image of the house fades after I take a few steps or so.
If I do have a guardian, they would probably facepalm at what I'm doing lol
it's something that you should not be envious about.
but if you do have sixth sense, just be thankful for whatever is it :))
I did turn and "see" something but I can't be sure.
The scariest part is that when i tried a second time at one point, I'm not sure if it was on the tenth or i had gone over, but on my way down something felt really "elastic" like i was being pulled by something and everything around me was black and dark and I felt really uncomfortable like something was severely wrong so I stopped and turned and looked up the stairs and nothing was there. WHen I opened my eyes i felt really off, empty sort of, I feel better now and i'm going to say a prayer but it was concerning.
I did this on my sister and she said during the 7th~8th time she went up she saw a woman with long hair wearing a dress (but she couldn't make out the face) and at some point she saw her in the living room, but at the 10th time she was at the top again.
My sister asked me if she was sure it was supposed to be a guardian spirit because she said when she saw her she felt scared like she needed to run down the stairs.
I did the same thing but around the 7th~8th time all i could see was a flash of bright light XD and it was hard for me to imagine going up stairs LOL maybe i'll try later again (~-u-)~
It was very difficult to create a mental image of the staircase.
I used the stairs at my parents home in which I was raised. It is daytime and I went to a quieter spot here at work to attempt it on my break.
On my 2nd or 3rd time going up/down the stairs I started seeing a woman in white holding her own head, eyes wide open and bloody with her mouth agape. I can say for sure that my imagination was getting in the way, because I was not seeing her anywhere in relation to the location, just the flash of the imagery in place of the stairs. On the 4th or 5th time on the stairs she regained her head and upon closer inspection was mother, as she appears in pictures fromt he 80's. At about the 8th time up/down I looked through the railing on my left and saw what I would have to say was most likely a werewolf. This time it was actually in the location, but I still chalk it up to imagination, it wasn't there on the last 2 times.
I think this is best tried in a quiet location not long after you have actually seen and perhaps used the staircase you are going to envision. It might also be good to clear your mind for some time prior to trying it so that random things don't get in the way.
I may just have trouble concentrating my thoughts though. I will give it another try using the conditions above and see if my results are better.
I tried this--and I see a headless man that brought his head.
Still, I'm still hesitating to try this lol :>
I would really like to try this but I live in a multi-storey apartment and I don't have "my own" staircase. Can I imagine walking down the multi-storey staircase? Wonder if it would work this way.
yep, I'm sure it's my guardian spirit. I know what he looks like, and even if I don't see him, I can identify his presence if he's nearby.
and the figure that appeared here has also been creeping me out ever since i was a kid. it's like following me. D:
I saw a girl that realllyyy looks like me. She smiled and she looks very kind. If its rly my guardian, i'll be very happy :D
my dad says so,i have guardian,each member of my family have one so yeah it is effective
But the first time I see my Guardian Spirit was on a rainy day, at night, while I felt tired and lonely and crushed.. When I ascend the stair, I see a girl at the top and she smiled warmly at me
I closed my eyes and focused on myself climbing the stairs of our house 10 times. On my 8th time I started to feel my head vibrating and then I had goosebumps all over my body. On my 10 time I was on top of the stairs and I saw nothing but darkness but I was still feeling vibration and goosebumps. When I descended I was sort of blinded by a flash of white light and I saw eyes. I immediately opened my own and that was it. It felt amazing!
I really am not sure if she is my guardian spirit or anything, i guess my mind is just playing tricks on me lol
Sure enough, when I did this ritual, I looked back and he was just standing there, only visible from the waist up with darkness all behind him and beneath him, with a mildly amused, calm expression that just read, 'Who else did you expect?'
It was strangely reassuring, as always, to remember that he is there.
Well, I tried it by envisioning my old house, since my current house doesn't have a stair. Walked up and down the stairs, and I think it's on my 8th or 9th cycle that I saw a tall man. I'm 187 cm tall myself, and this guy lumbers over me, probably around 220 cm or so. He wore a black long coat with a plague doctor mask and some kind of top hat. All in all, pretty interesting. I'm 1/3 European, so maybe my ancestors were plague doctors, I dunno.