School Life

A documentary filming about a Japanese high school inadvertently captures something creepy.

See if you can figure out what is wrong with this video! :D
(No jump scares, so relax!)


Aldana Peekaboo said…
Great Post Saya!
I saw it :0 I would be scare if this happens in my class room!
Thank you for the video! And, I see it. Though, I have no idea exactly what I'm witnessing, but I don't think it's normal. It's not in the classroom for me, but what's lingering right outside of it.

Thank you again!

Orion said…
I didn't notice anything... When can you see it?
Orion said…
Ohhhh.... Nevermind, found it. I watched the part I suspected a few times before I noticed. lol
Destinneena said…
Maybe I'm missing it or maybe I see it and my brain is ignoring it. What time(s) do you see it?
Destinneena/ shari
Afiya N. Syarif said…
I see a long-haired woman in black, sitting in the classroom window :| i don't know for sure, but it's black. and in the next scene it's gone >,>
Adorably Dead said…
I was so expecting to see someone jump from the building across the street. This was definitely creepy though.
Unknown said…
was that sadako. when I saw that my body felt chilled :3 kinda creepy. . . . and coool.
karin said…
I almost didn't notice her, it was so subtle, but the subtlety makes it creepier.
Anonymous said…
Um... maybe the classroom's on first floor and the girl is sitting on the windowsill. That must be it. *nervous laughter*
- said…
I hope the classroom's on the bottom floor...
Unknown said…
It's creepier when you found something strange in a video that's not supposed to be creepy..

Maybe that girl is bullied even by teachers so everyone ignored her..
Poor girl.. :(
- said…
Also (sorry again) you seem to always find the best videos, what's your secret.
The video won't play... :(
@KeyChainadal: Well, there's nothing wrong with the video, because I uploaded it myself.
Try again later!
CRRobbins said…
Hide in plain sight, the mind of a killer >:)
Nunu. said…
Wow.. i'm not sure what to think if I see that in my class's video.
There must be an interesting history in the classroom.

bilzbilz said…
Its creepy but the girls really kawaii.. :D
Ekky Sanyotho said…
Ow, that girl is a ninja :v
Unknown said…
Awesome video Saya and also very creepy. I saw it in the video straight away, and is it just me or doe's it seem to be staring at the girl near the window slightly in front of it?

Also it's definitely the second floor of the building as you can clearly see from the window at around 2:58 - 3:04.

The cars shown outside the window look smaller like there being seen from higher up.