
(Translated by Saya)
This is a cryptic story! :D

Once upon a time, a girl found a mermaid on a rocky seashore.
The mermaid was gravely injured, and the girl did not know how to help her.
"You can help me return to the sea," said the mermaid in a feeble voice.
The girl did as she was bid, and helped the mermaid go into the sea.
The mermaid regained her health soon after, and gave the girl a large amount of pearls as a token of gratitude for the girl's kindness.

Now there was a man who was watching all this from a hidden place.
The man waited until the girl left, sneaked up on the mermaid and killed her.
He then hacked some meat off her body and took it home so that he can partake of it with his daughter.

The reason he did this was because he had heard the rumour that the mermaid's meat had the power to bestow immortality on those who consumed it.**
The man's daughter suffered from a serious illness and had been told she did not have much time left to live.

Seventy years later, the girl who rescued the mermaid was living a life of abundance, having capitalised on the pearls the mermaid gave her.
The man and his daughter, on the other hand, were fated to suffer for eternity.

** There is a legend in Japan about a nun, known as Yao-bikuni (八癟比䞘尌), who ate a mermaid's meat and lived to be eight hundred years old. See Wikipedia for more details


OMG I had to read that several times before I got it XD

So the mermaid meat DID make the man and his daughter immortal, but it doesn't give them good health, so they have to suffer through illness for eternity
Haem said…
It just said that the meat would give immortality, not that it would get rid of any kind of suffering, so poor daughter, condemned to live with her illness forever.
George V said…
If I recall correctly, in Rumiko Takahashi’s Mermaid story, the flesh only makes some people immortal and to others it is a poison that makes them into monsters.
Gabriel said…
Can't help but feel bad for the mermaid and also for the man's daughter! But yes, turns out being immortal but not immune to pain/disease may not be a very good deal :d
It kinda reminds me of a fantasy book I once read, Elantris, where there was a race of magic/immortal people that couldn't die no matter what, but they never healed from their wounds. So any pain they ever felt was eternal. (it was grim, but it had a happy end)

I really liked to learn about Yao-bikuni though! I love this kind of historical tale.
Thanks a lot for this post! Take care and have a happy weekend
CreanJinSung said…
So the message here is it's better to be rich and die in the future than live forever.
Yukari said…
Being immortal does not automatically include staying young, either. So even if the daughter not only survived her illness but also lost the symptoms, she and her father may age ... and age ... and will continue to age forever, including all the health decline that naturally comes with age.
Gabriel, the Elantris book that you mentioned brought back to my mind the last season of Torchwood (the one that was set in the USA). That also has people worldwide suddenly being unable to die, and it´s a complete horror vision (heavily injured people suffering without any way to help them), also regarding the consequences (medicinal supplies running low) and the way governments deal with the situation (starting to intern sick people in camps ... and its gets worse from there). While that season, overall, was not very good (for various reasons), its premise was a powerful and very scary vision.
GeorgeVanMeter, Rumiko Takahashi´s Mermaid story was the first thing that came to my mind, too. I loved this story as much as I loved those manga. Come to think of it, perhaps someone who kills an intelligent human-like being, such as a Mermaid, to gain immortality already is a monster - the flesh only makes him take his true form. In this story, one could muster up some understanding for a desperate man trying to save his daughter, but since he ate from the flesh himself, his true motivation is open. Did he want to make sure it´s safe for his daughter to eat, or was there no other food available? Did he want to make sure he´d be there to look after his daughter if she was saved or was he merely selfish and wanted immortality for himself?
Unknown said…
I dont want to be immortal. Live a long life just too see people around you who you love dies? No, thanks.
Well done! Very smart! :D

The daugther has to suffer for eternity, and the father has to watch her suffer for eternity. Pretty disturbing, innit?
Very good! :D The father should have thought it through before killing the poor mermaid!
I have heard of Rumiko Takahashi's manga about Mermaid, but never read it XD Again I had to look it up in Wikipedia. It sounds like a very intriguing story! It reminds me of vampire stories by Anne Rice.
I love fantasy books too but I haven't read one in a long while. Elantris sounds a bit scary but since you tell me it has a happy ending, I might read it too :D Thank you for introducing me to the book!

Thank you <3 I hope you had a great weekend as I did! :D
It is certainly better to be rich and die than live forever XD

I think if we were immortal, none of us would care to love or be creative!
Oh I didn't know about Torchwood. I rarely watch TV nowadays. But it sounds cool :D

I don't think anyone can be happy at the expense of suffering of other people/ creatures. Karma will catch up with you sooner or later.
Me neither! But there are people who enjoy life too much and never want to die (like my father LOL).
CreanJinSung said…
If I were immortal I would probably be very depressed.
Unknown said…
people always think of these things as "fates worse than death" but i always think, well, she's now living with a chronic illness, which a lot of people already do. Maybe she needs more help from her father, but that doesn't mean she can't enjoy life! I suppose it depends on the disease. I think it's very possible for the father and daughter to be happy together, glad of their long lives.

actually, if they really do live forever, then it's very possible they'd live long enough for the daughter to acquire assistive technology, palliative medicine, or even a cure.
Anon said…
You should watch the anime, it’s very good and very creepy! Kind of depressing, though. Also yay welcome back from your very long hiatus! Very much miss your blog and okaruto’s. I’m only following one Japanese horror translations blog now, and updates are also sporadic.
@Anon Thank you, dear :D Translation work takes up quite a bit of your time, so I can understand why updates can be sporadic. But I hope I can contine updating my blog on a regular basis!